Monday, April 25, 2011

Homemade Chocolate Cupcake Soap

These are definitely on my Christmas to make list!  Easy enough that I may let the teen daughters make them for friends too!  Directions are from, check out their blog for more cool ideas!

Homemade Chocolate Cupcake Soap 
Have you ever wondered what to do with leftover bar soap?  Try rebatching it!  There are alot of recipes available out there.  Although I can make my own soap with lye I think working with premade bar soap (like ivory since its white) would be easier with the kids.

Especially like the microwave friendly recipe that happyheartsathome has shared! Commercial soap drys our family's skin out very quickly in the winter, rebatching soap lets you add moisture back, and it's fun to add your own ingredients and shapes.

Chocolate Cupcake Soap:
Three bars of Ivory Soap              3/4 Cup water
5 Tablespoons olive oil                     3 Tablespoons glycerin
3 Tablespoon cocoa powder            3 Tablespoon honey
1/2 cup powdered milk                    3 Tablespoon cinnamon
Thrift store purchased older tins and other items should be used for this project as you shouldn't cook in them again.

Cut soap up into smaller pieces, place in a glass Pyrex measuring bowl, add water and cook in microwave for about 2 minutes at a time, watch closely for puffing up, stop when it does this and stir, repeat until it is creamy. Add more water and a little of the oil if too dry*. Once it's nice and creamy, add oil and remaining ingredients, stir well, adding more water and oil if too dry. Heat it up more if it's still chunky, and stir.  Grease cupcake tins with olive oil, fill and allow to dry overnight. If they don't pop out, try to push them out by hand, or freeze them for a little bit. 

Add the frosting after drying the bottoms for a few days.

For Icing:
Cook one bar of cut up Ivory soap in a clean glass bowl in the microwave with about 1/4 cup water and 1 tablespoon of glycerin. Repeat muffin cooking instructions above. When it gets nice and creamy it's ready to frost. The frosting dries pretty quickly.

*If the soap is too dry, add more water, oil or glycerin than is stated in the recipe.


  1. Glad you liked this. I'll have to try this again. I've been meaning to make a pink icing cake with the Ivory soap.

  2. This sounds like a neat idea!
